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We are saddened to announce the passing of Gary Bunzer on April 17, 2020. We hope the RV Doctor website will continue to provide helpful information for you. Thank you for your interest and support for the RV Doctor - Debbie, Heather and Gretchen

Friday, January 4, 2013

Oldies, (Maybe), but Still Goodies!

I often get frustrated when reading articles and books having to do with RV problems because most are pointed toward the use and care of more current models. There is a whole bunch of us RVers out there who own and enjoy older RVs. Personally, I currently have a 1988 Toyota Dolphin, though my first was a 1984 Dolphin purchased in 1991, which sadly was totaled by a drunken driver who swerved into my driveway at 3:30 in the morning. I have thoroughly enjoyed my happy little vehicle/home and am not even sure I would want one of those newer, sleek, and overpriced glamor buses. However, I would really appreciate good solid information on the maintenance of my "baby." Could you please devote a few articles, or parts of articles, to specific problems that crop up with these oldies but goodies? Jean B-H., (Modesto, CA) 

Well said Jean! And I wholeheartedly agree! Though most of the current articles and reviews will always concern the newer RVs out there, I’ve personally seen many of the older coaches, well cared for, still on the road for twenty/thirty years or more. There is a whole segment devoted to the “vintage” market with clubs and rallies surrounding their older units.


That said, many of the questions I get to the RV Doctor Website pertain to some older coaches. I usually publish the year of the coaches in question when it is provided. But I hear you. Thankfully, many of the technical areas I cover in my articles or on the RV Doc Website are directly related to any RV, regardless of vintage. Propane is still propane, 12-volts DC is still 12-volts DC, etc. So much of the info can be applied to any coach.

The micro-mini-motorhome market kinda went awry when axle and wheel issues came about. All the chassis makers simply walked away from the RV industry because of the weight-related problems. My dad’s last RV was a custom mini built on an old Toyota chassis. I wish I still had that RV. He built it from the chassis up. And at the Good Sam Rally held in Daytona Beach, there was a vintage display of still-in-use RVs going back a few decades. You would have liked it!


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