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We are saddened to announce the passing of Gary Bunzer on April 17, 2020. We hope the RV Doctor website will continue to provide helpful information for you. Thank you for your interest and support for the RV Doctor - Debbie, Heather and Gretchen

Friday, October 30, 2009

Crabby Refer Odor

How do you get odors out of the RV refrigerator/freezer? I recently had to leave my fifth wheel trailer and truck at a storage facility for about ten days and the batteries to the truck and fifth wheel died, therefore not allowing the propane to ignite. Needless to say, I ended up with spoiled food in the refrigerator and freezer and no matter what I have tried, I cannot get the odor out (specifically crabmeat). Please hurry with your answer!
Christine, (Orlando, FL)

Christine, for refrigerator and freezer odors some RVers have suggested using open boxes of baking soda and other remedies like placing wadded up black and white newsprint in the freezer and replacing the pieces every day. Or try one or more of these remedies sent to me by readers in the past. (I swear they are all true!)

* wash the freezer using a liquid citrus degreaser
* thoroughly wash the rubber door seal using an anti-mildew solution
* washing the interior with straight bourbon
* unscented kitty litter, changed daily
* cotton balls saturated with vanilla extract to wipe down the interior; leave balls in for a week
* charcoal briquettes placed on paper towels inside the freezer
* spray the interior with rubbing alcohol, let stand and rinse
* four to six ounces of fresh coffee grounds placed in a sock; leave for one week
* peppermint extract placed in an open container
* place a saturated towel of pure Mexican vanilla in the freezer

I'm not sure which is the absolute best cure, but the most often repeated suggestion was using the crumpled up newspaper. Do let me know what works best in your situation. Keep in mind, some odors may indeed permeate the plastic lining of the refrigerator or any rubber component such as the drain tube, door seals, etc. If that is the case either all plastic components will have to be replaced or perhaps a new refrigerator is in your future.


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