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We are saddened to announce the passing of Gary Bunzer on April 17, 2020. We hope the RV Doctor website will continue to provide helpful information for you. Thank you for your interest and support for the RV Doctor - Debbie, Heather and Gretchen

Friday, August 3, 2012

No Wall Switch for Ceiling Lamps in RV


Hey Doc, we have an RV with a tall ceiling, and my wife cannot reach the light switch without a step stool. Is their any kind of a remote switch that I can install individually on them? 
Larry W. 

Larry, are you sure there is not a wall switch located nearby to turn those lights on and off? In all the coaches where the ceiling is higher than “normal” the manufacturer will usually install a wall switch somewhere nearby. If they overlooked that, then yes, a wall switch can easily be added. It will require a couple of wires to be routed from the lamp down to a convenient location on a cabinet or interior partition wall. A simple 12-volt on/off rocker switch can then be installed for each lamp.

There are also wireless kits available in the aftermarket that will operate any 12-volt circuit so you could turn on all the lamps on the same circuit at the same time, using a remote fob. But it would be less expensive to simply wire in a conveniently located wall switch. But I'd take a second look and see if there's not one there already.


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